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What time of day should I water my new sod?

Morning (two hours before dawn)
Morning (dawn to 9 am)
Morning (9-12 noon)
Afternoon (12 noon to 4 pm)
Afternoon (4 pm to dusk)
Evening (after dusk)
Night (anytime while it is dark)
Not sure
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Question: What time of day should I water my new sod?
Top Answer (42% of 184 votes): Morning (dawn to 9 am).

Answer: Morning (dawn to 9 am)
Explanation: Early in the morning or late in the afternoon.
Zacks lawn care
Answer: Evening (after dusk)
Explanation: The best time to water new sod is early morning and late afternoon.
The Great Landscape Llc
Answer: Morning (dawn to 9 am)
Explanation: It is generally recommended to water new sod early in the morning, around sunrise. This allows the grass to absorb moisture before the heat of the day sets in. Watering in the evening is also an option, but it can sometimes promote the growth of fungal diseases. Avoid watering during the hottest part of the day to prevent water loss through evaporation.
AGC GroundScapes LLC
Answer: Afternoon (12 noon to 4 pm)
Explanation: Before evening heat so water is inside
Bryan lawn care
Answer: Morning (two hours before dawn)
Explanation: The best time to water new sod is early morning (dawn to 9 am). Watering during this time allows the sod to absorb moisture before the heat of the day, reducing evaporation and ensuring that the water penetrates the soil effectively. Avoid watering in the late afternoon or evening, as this can promote fungal growth due to moisture lingering on the grass overnight. If you need a second watering, the late afternoon (4 pm to dusk) is acceptable, but the early morning is the most ideal.
TruScape LLC
Answer: Afternoon (4 pm to dusk)
Explanation: The best time to water is in the morning either before the sunrise, or up to two hours after sunrise. Another good time to water is in the late afternoon to dusk, as lower temperatures and less intensive sun will lead to less moisture loss due to evaporation.
Shady Acres Lavender Farm
Answer: Morning (dawn to 9 am)
Explanation: You do not want to water late in the evening because turf that remains damp throughout the night invites fungus, pests, and diseases.
Always Best Solutions LLC
Answer: Morning (dawn to 9 am)
Explanation: Morning time is ideal for watering new sod helping develop roots by watering it before the sun comes out
King Landscape
Answer: Morning (two hours before dawn)
Explanation: You Should water new sod morning before dawn and in the evening before dusk
JAS Landscaping & Maintenance LLC
Answer: Morning (two hours before dawn)
Explanation: This will allow you to provide your lawn with the right amount of moisture before it becomes hot and dry outside
Tropical Greenscape LLC
Answer: Morning (dawn to 9 am)
Explanation: Always water lawn around sunrise.
Meridian Eco land Solutions
Answer: Morning (two hours before dawn)
Explanation: I would water mornings before it gets t hot outside to keep roots system moist.
Special T Lawncare
Answer: Morning (two hours before dawn)
Explanation: New sod should be watered 2 to 3 times daily the first three weeks, 6am, noon, and 4pm then twice per day the next two weeks at 10am and 2pm. Then water once a day in the morning is best for the rest of the season.
Get A Grip LLC
Answer: Evening (after dusk)
Explanation: Either early morning or after dusk those are the coolest times of day allowing roots to absorb maximum water intake
Thompson Lawn Care
Answer: Morning (dawn to 9 am)
Explanation: It’s slightly still cool but getting sunny
Double AA Lawn Care
Answer: Morning (9-12 noon)
Explanation: Morning and afternoons
JBF Lawn Maintenance and Landscaping LLC
Answer: Morning (two hours before dawn)
Explanation: It is the coolest time of the day which means that your grass has the most amount of time to suck up the water.
WB Lawn & Landscape
Answer: Morning (dawn to 9 am)
Explanation: twice a day, for about 20 minutes per session every day for at least two months.
C&R Landscaping
Answer: Morning (dawn to 9 am)
Explanation: Watering in the morning (before 10 a.m.) is the best time for your lawn; it’s cooler and winds tend to be calmer so water can soak into the soil and be absorbed by the grass roots before it can evaporate. If you must water in the evening, try between 4 and 6 p.m. which should give the grass blades time to dry before nightfall.
Smart Irrigation Systems, LLC
Answer: Morning (two hours before dawn)
Explanation: Continue watering new sod twice per day, in the morning and afternoon—thorough, deep watering is best until the soil is saturated but not puddling. Morning is ideal with lower wind speeds and less water is lost to evaporation.
CJRR Landscape Inc
Answer: Morning (dawn to 9 am)
Explanation: Less chance of loosing water to evaporation.
TJB-INC Landscape & Drainage Contractor
Answer: Morning (9-12 noon)
Explanation: Day 2 and the Following Two Weeks: You will be watering your Sod Lawn two times per day for 15-20 minutes. Our recommended times are (8:00 am, and 1pm). After 2 weeks please shut off your water for 1-2 days and let your SOIL dry out a little bit so that you can walk on it.
Lawn Ranger
Answer: Morning (dawn to 9 am)
Explanation: When you are ready to water just once a day, the best time is the morning. This allows the water to soak into the soil and your grass roots can drink it up. Of course watering at night is not good because of the likelihood of producing fungus and disease.
Main Street Mowing
Answer: Morning (dawn to 9 am)
Explanation: Best absorption and less wind.
Warco Landscapes
Answer: Morning (dawn to 9 am)
Explanation: Early morning, late afternoon and right before the sun goes down.
Dedicated Lawn Care, LLC
Answer: Morning (two hours before dawn)
Explanation: You don't want to water late in the afternoon or at night due to moisture causing fungus. An you don't want to water in the middle of the day due to it evaporating.
Cedar Ridge Landscaping LLC
Answer: Morning (9-12 noon)
Explanation: It's sunny
Live Oak Landscape & Concrete
Answer: Morning (9-12 noon)
Explanation: Morning hours before start to warm up the soil
Sunshine Landscape & Irrigation inc.
Answer: Afternoon (4 pm to dusk)
Explanation: Sod should be watered often, not just once a day.
Valleys And Peaks Landscaping, LLC
Answer: Morning (two hours before dawn)
Explanation: When it's hot, once in the early morning and once and one in the evening.
Perfect landsacping
Answer: Morning (dawn to 9 am)
Explanation: Its is best to water your lawn between 12am-8am
Answer: Morning (two hours before dawn)
Explanation: The best time to water sod is between 6 AM and 10 AM. There is less wind, less hot sun and your lawn will have a full day to dry. If you water at night and invite mildew and fungus.
Land Tech Landscapes
Answer: Evening (after dusk)
Explanation: With less heat, and more condensation, it will help your sod recover from shock, and also retain water to avoid burning up during high temperatures
RB Home Solutions
Answer: Morning (dawn to 9 am)
Explanation: Watering in the morning is the best time to water. It allows a large amount of the water to soak into the ground and what is left burns off. It is also very still in the morning. In the afternoon with high heat a lot of the water evaporates. Watering at night typically keeps the ground wet all night which can lead to fungus.
Walkers Green, Inc
Answer: Morning (dawn to 9 am)
Explanation: Newly laid sod must be kept moist, but not water logged. This moisture should extend to the soil beneath the sod to encourage the sod to take root. Give newly laid sod one inch of water every other day, in the early morning
Affordable Lawn and Landscaping
Answer: Evening (after dusk)
Explanation: The best time to water your new sod is early morning, and late evening. This allows the sod to receive the maximum amount of water intake without evaporation.
Premier Lawn Care
Answer: Afternoon (12 noon to 4 pm)
Explanation: New sod should be watered twice daily for 2 weeks. Then once daily for a week, then 3 times a week like normal watering schedule. In the beginning day time watering is good then switch to early morning watering when roots have established
Pinnacle Landscape and Maintenance
Answer: Morning (two hours before dawn)
Explanation: Early to prevent evaporation. But not at night because the water sits on the grass all night and invites fungus.
Lawn Rescue
Answer: Afternoon (12 noon to 4 pm)
Explanation: Hottest time of day keeps grass from dehydrating
Night Landscaping
Answer: Morning (dawn to 9 am)
Explanation: It also needs to be watered in the afternoon if it's a new lawn.
Princess Lawncare Service
Answer: Morning (dawn to 9 am)
Explanation: Because it isn't that hot yet and it won't burn the roots
Goins Landscaping
Answer: Morning (dawn to 9 am)
Explanation: Watering sod early allows the grass to make the most of the natural light and water growth cycle.
LaGreen Landscape
Answer: Morning (dawn to 9 am)
Explanation: Anytime in early morning
Top Shelf Landscaping
Answer: Morning (dawn to 9 am)
Explanation: If you do it in the early morning it will allow the sod to absorb water. If you do it later in the day the water acts as a magnifying glass and will burn out sod
JA Miller Landscaping and Lawn care
Answer: Morning (two hours before dawn)
Explanation: In the morning, prior to dawn is the best. That way the water has a chance to seep into the grass before it evaporates.
Answer: Morning (dawn to 9 am)
Explanation: Watering in the evening could result in a serious problem with fungus. If water sits on your grass at night during the warm summer nights it can cause a fungus to grow. However if you water in the early morning, before 10 am the water will have a chance to be absorbed into the soil and evaporate form the top of the grass to avoid the chance of fungus.
Sod Sales Direct
Answer: Evening (after dusk)
Explanation: Less water evaporates at night so you on water.
JVs landscaping
Answer: Morning (dawn to 9 am)
Explanation: he watering process should be repeated three times a day during the hottest months of the year, 80°plus, at approximately 8 AM, 11 AM and 2 PM (early, mid- morning and early afternoon), every day. A fourth watering may be added if necessary. DON’T LET THE LAWN DRY OUT!!! Remember the key is to KEEP IT MOIST, NOT SOAKED. Too much water causes algae and fungus.
Selena's Landscape, Design & Tree Service, LLC
Answer: Morning (two hours before dawn)
Explanation: Phoenix heat is brutal, its always best to water your lawn before the sun can burn your lawn.
Green Leaf Landscape
Answer: Morning (two hours before dawn)
Explanation: Watering is most effective if done during early morning hours, 3 or 4 am, when sunlight and heat cannot cause excessive evaporation.
Evergreen Sod and Landscape Company
Answer: Morning (two hours before dawn)
Explanation: Watering before dawn prevents the evaporation of water before your sod has the time to use what it needs at that time, but it also promotes the evaporation of unused water when the sun comes up to prevent fungus.
Chatham Property Maintenance
Answer: Morning (dawn to 9 am)
Explanation: In the heat of the day your water will evaporate and more chance of disease
Answer: Morning (dawn to 9 am)
Explanation: The morning is the best time to water because the grass stays cooler and drinks the water up by the end of the day nighttime watering can lead to a fungus because the water is staying put and not evaporating or being used up by grass roots
Answer: Afternoon (4 pm to dusk)
Explanation: Less sun stress
Sibila's Landscaping
Answer: Morning (dawn to 9 am)
Explanation: Your new sod should always be moist. Depending on where you live and the weather conditions, you many need to water several times per day.
Anthem Landscape & Design, LLC
Answer: Morning (dawn to 9 am)
Explanation: The soil should be fully moist and the moisture evaporated from the grass prior to Miday. Evening watering schedules should be avoided as that practice can lead to fungus and disease problems.
Honzo Landscape Company
Answer: Evening (after dusk)
Explanation: Water in early evening. This allows the moisture to soak into the ground and be taken up by the roots overnight. The sun cannot evaporate the water
Fidel Romero Landscape
Answer: Morning (dawn to 9 am)
Explanation: you want to avoid late night and early morning. You don't want sod to sit in water, or the roots may rot. If surface water does not drain or evaporate, the top of the sod will get bacterial and fungal infections
SG Landscape and Outdoors
Answer: Morning (two hours before dawn)
Explanation: Finish before 7, you're in heaven. This will allow the turfgrass to adequately dry as to not encourage fungus and disease development.
Outdoor Designs
Answer: Morning (dawn to 9 am)
Explanation: to ensure roots do not dry
Mendoza's Lawn Care
Answer: Night (anytime while it is dark)
Explanation: Morning and night
Answer: Morning (two hours before dawn)
Explanation: The best time is to hit it right before the sun comes up but allow enough time for the earth to absorb the water so none is wasted.
Webster's Lawn care
Answer: Morning (two hours before dawn)
Explanation: Good to water in morning before sunrise.
Doc's Custom Landscaping
Answer: Evening (after dusk)
Explanation: Watering during the day can burn the grass and dry it out.
Custom Cuts Lawn Care
Answer: Morning (two hours before dawn)
Explanation: Morning is the BEST time to water hands down!
CT Lawn & Landscape, INC.
Answer: Morning (dawn to 9 am)
Explanation: So it got moisture for the day
zj's estate maintenance LLC
Answer: Afternoon (12 noon to 4 pm)
Explanation: Watering must be done in the morning and evening as well but the afternoon is an important time to water when the temperatures are high. By watering it keeps grass moist and also cools the grass.
Graf Lawn Care
Answer: Morning (dawn to 9 am)
Explanation: Watering in the early morning allowing saturation and enough dry time before the hot sun is best.
White Oak Landscaping & Lawn Care, inc
Answer: Morning (9-12 noon)
Explanation: If only one time is to be chosen to water the best time would be Morning between 9-12. This time of day generally allows the water enough time to seep into the soil before being evaporated but warm enough to evaporate excess off the blades of the sod so chances of fungus to develop are minimized.
Take It Easy
Answer: Evening (after dusk)
Explanation: While sun is not out will give did the best chance not getting burnt from sun and usually is wet till early morning
American Dream Landscape, LLC
Answer: Morning (two hours before dawn)
Explanation: Cooler temps require less water, but in the early morning water will also not sit on plants too long to cause fungus problems
Regan Property Management
Answer: Morning (dawn to 9 am)
Explanation: Watering overnight can promote fungus and other undesirable results. the best time to irrigate is early AM prior to too much sun and heat but after the overnight cooling.
EarthScapes of Liberty
Answer: Evening (after dusk)
Explanation: Watering in the evening allow the sod to retain the water longer.
Heavenly Gardens Lawn & Landscaping, Inc.
Answer: Morning (dawn to 9 am)
Explanation: And once in the after noon
Ideal Lawns
Answer: Morning (dawn to 9 am)
Explanation: Watering in the early morning before the sun comes up, allows your soil to take in more water before it evaporates. It may also be required that you water in the evening as well, since keeping the sod moist is most important.
Tamed Lawn Care
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